Your Full Name: Tyler Thrasher

Last Name of the Person Who Discovered The Potential Sport: Thrasher

Have you submitted a sport before? And if so, what number would this submission be?: 1

Mutation Expression: White Expressing

Color/Pattern Description: Sectored (Large sections of the leaves contain solid expressions of the mutation)

Striped (Several strips of the expressed mutation can be seen branching from the midrib)

Mottled (Overlapping mutations evenly expressed on top of one another)

Multilayered (Variegation is present on more than the surface layer)

Veined (Veins can be seen due directly in contrast to variegation)

Speckled (Tiny distributed spots or specks of the expressed mutation can be observed)

Visible on internodes, Visible on petiole, Visible on midrib

Does your sport have any morphological properties that are consistent? Such as strange shaped leaves, odd textures, etc. If so, please describe:: No. Thrasher_001M has ordinary leaf structure on average.

Have you propagated this sport yet?: Yes

If so, how many successful propagations have you managed so far? And what were your primary methods?: I've made over 70 propagations of this sport. I begin by air-layering in the winter. Once roots form I take my cuts in early Spring and plant in very loose coarse soil. Late Spring I take more cuttings and root in rain water with a small dose of Rhizotonic and 1/10 diluted fish emulsion.

Have you had any reversions? If so how many from your total propagation numbers?: I've had 4 full reversions and 2 reversions that reproduced mutations after being cut back.

When did the mutation occur?: From a mature plant

And lastly, what's the story? How did you discover this plant? Paint us a picture!: I was walking through a local plant shop after we lost our house to a fire in 2016. I wanted a new plant for the studio and stumbled upon a large pot of Monstera. I noticed one of the mature leaves had a thin white stripe coming from the midrib. I asked the employees if they meant to get in variegated Monstera to which they replied "no, they're too expensive. I think this one is sick." I saw my window and bought the plant. After 3 new leaves (all expressing white variegation) I began to take my cuts. 5 years later and I've managed to produce near 70 fully expressing sports/ individual plants.

