Your Full Name: Mauro Segura
Last Name of the Person Who Discovered The Potential Sport: Segura
Have you submitted a sport before? And if so, what number would this submission be?: 1
Mutation Expression: White Expressing
Color/Pattern Description: Multilayered (Variegation is present on more than the surface layer)
Does your sport have any morphological properties that are consistent? Such as strange shaped leaves, odd textures, etc. If so, please describe:: One whole leaf came out between green and white it seems to have freckles of white but almost unnoticeable cause the whole leaf is so pale , it qlnost looks yellow or a watered down green , similar to the picture in the back ground of the web page
Have you propagated this sport yet?: Yes
If so, how many successful propagations have you managed so far? And what were your primary methods?: I cut and let it callous for a day, then I use water until I see root growth and then place it in perlite before putting it in soil, I feel they transition better thus way
Have you had any reversions? If so how many from your total propagation numbers?: No
When did the mutation occur?: From a mature plant
And lastly, what's the story? How did you discover this plant? Paint us a picture!: I bought a monstera that supposedly was either albo or thai seller wasn't sure and variegation was so light I couldn't tell, when it gave me a chance o took the top cutting and after a few months it gave a leaf that stands out of all the rest, I have around 30 variegated monsteras and this one is definitely different