Your Full Name: Cory No’eau Pang
Last Name of the Person Who Discovered The Potential Sport: Owner of Nursery got a shipment of 10” Monstera. Her last name is Stremmel.
Have you submitted a sport before? And if so, what number would this submission be?: 0
Mutation Expression: White Expressing
Color/Pattern Description: Sectored (Large sections of the leaves contain solid expressions of the mutation), Mottled (Overlapping mutations evenly expressed on top of one another), Multilayered (Variegation is present on more than the surface layer), Visible on internodes, Visible on petiole
Does your sport have any morphological properties that are consistent? Such as strange shaped leaves, odd textures, etc. If so, please describe:: This sport has two variegated leaves. On the bigger leaf, the leaf has some contortions that folds in such a way that the leaf isn’t flat. Pictures will make more sense; I’m bad at describing
Have you propagated this sport yet?: No
If so, how many successful propagations have you managed so far? And what were your primary methods?: Currently two variegated stems have grown from the petiole. Waiting until that fully grows out until I start propagating it.
Have you had any reversions? If so how many from your total propagation numbers?:
When did the mutation occur?: From a mature plant
And lastly, what's the story? How did you discover this plant? Paint us a picture!: I was looking at one of my local plant nursery’s IG story and saw that in their latest shipment of plants, they had a sport variegated Monstera! I went down to check it out and there it was sitting with the rest of the batch. The owner was charging the same price as the other 10” pot monsteras and I bought it without hesitation. Since then, two variegated stem-like stalks grew and I’m patiently waiting to see what comes out of it before propagating. That and it’s also winter.