Your Full Name: Ashley Murphy

Last Name of the Person Who Discovered The Potential Sport: Murphy

Have you submitted a sport before? And if so, what number would this submission be?: 1

Mutation Expression: Yellow Expressing

Color/Pattern Description: Sectored (Large sections of the leaves contain solid expressions of the mutation)

Veined (Veins can be seen due directly in contrast to variegation)

Speckled (Tiny distributed spots or specks of the expressed mutation can be observed)

Visible on internodes, Visible on petiole, Visible on midrib

Does your sport have any morphological properties that are consistent? Such as strange shaped leaves, odd textures, etc. If so, please describe::

Have you propagated this sport yet?: No

If so, how many successful propagations have you managed so far? And what were your primary methods?:

Have you had any reversions? If so how many from your total propagation numbers?:

When did the mutation occur?: Seedling stage

And lastly, what's the story? How did you discover this plant? Paint us a picture!: I found this baby hunting through my local Terrain store. It was in a single pot by itself. It was mixed in with many pots of regular monstera. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was holding my breath at checkout waiting for the clerk to tell me they couldn't sell it to me. They didn't even seem to notice it!



